Wednesday, 7 May 2008

The problem of evil and suffering

Remember section one of your paper is very straightforwards. It is asking you to give answers about reasons why people do and reasons why people do not believe in God.
We have looked at some reasons why people believe in God. Now we must look at some reasons why people do not believe in God.

The problem of evil and suffering can be summarised like this,

If God is all knowing (omniscient) he knows about evil and suffering in the world
If God is all loving (benevolent)
he cares about evil and suffering in the world
If God is all-powerful (omnipotent)
he is able to stop evil and suffering in the world
but he does not stop evil and suffering in the world

Therefore god is either not omniscient, not benevolent, not omnipotnent or does not exist.

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