Thursday 1 May 2008

Arguments for the existence of God

What is the link between Guinness and the First Cause Argument?

Watch the video and find the link.

For your exam you need to know what causation is,
causation is the idea that everything has been caused (started off) by something else.

Secondly you need to know the First Cause Argument:
  • Cause and effect is a basic feature of our world.
  • If we look at anything in the world we see that it has a cause. For example, ice is caused by the temperature falling and water becoming solid at 0 degrees. Anything that has been caused to exist must have been caused to exist by something else. You could not cause yourself to exist because that would mean you had to exist before you existed (!)
  • Any chain of causes and effects must have a beginning. For example you have to have water to cause ice.
  • So if the universe had no first cause then there would be no universe, but there is a universe so there must be a first cause.
  • The only possible first cause is God therefore God must exist.

What are the strengths of this argument?

What are the flaws in this argument?

1 comment:

U2killers=P said...

"The only possible first cause is God therefore God must exist." - You say he's the first cause, and started causation. Who caused God? You say that the Universe must have had a first cause -and that's God- but why do christians stop looking once they've found God?! Lol, that annoys me! Doesn't the Bible say not to ask about how God was created-that he's always been there!?

I Can't get my head around that! Haha oh well, i wont lose sleep over it =P


P.s. No explanation needed.