Saturday, 3 May 2008

Black holes and atheists who don't know what the big bang theory is.

If you are an atheist because of the Big Bang theory please make sure you know what it is.

You may be asked in your exam, what is the Big Bang theory or you may be asked to give an account of non-religious or scientific explanations for the existence of the universe.

This is the Big Bang theory, please note it does not involve meteorites, or stars or planets or anything else crashing.

About 15 billion years ago a quantity of matter became so compressed that it caused an explosion. Our planet and the universe as we know it are fragments of that explosion. As matter was hurled out from the explosion the forces of gravity and other physical effects joined some of the matter to produce stars. Over a long period of time the solar system was created.

If you are asked how scientific theories can lead to agnosticism or atheism you need to explain how developments in science have explained things about the life and universe that used to be explained by the existence of God. If science can tell us how the world came into being we no longer need God.

(KEY WORDS. agnostic = someone who does not know whether they believe in God. atheist = someone who does not believe in God)

Some Christians believe in the Big Bang and God. How do they reconcile (bring together) both beliefs?

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