Wednesday 20 May 2009

Ju'mah Prayers
A Muslim believe that he can come into the presence of Allah through prayer in any place at any time.  The midday prayers on Friday however are of special significance.  They are called ju'mah prayers.
The midday prayers on Friday should be said in the mosque (though women are allowed to say them at home).  On this occasion the imam will say a sermon, or khutba.  This will be a teaching from the Qur'an preached from the minbar, a raised platform at the front of the mosque. The imam will try to make his sermon relevant to his listeners. In Britain this means that the sermon must address issues that affect Muslims living in this country.
Though these prayers are very important they do not make Fridays into an especially holy day as Sunday is for Christians or Saturday is for Jews.  After ju'mah prayers Muslims can return to work and continue their day as normal.

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